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2011/11/16 / sungeunlim

The Simpson Desert

There are five main deserts in Australia, Great Victorian Desert, Gibson Desert, Great Sandy Desert, Tanami Desert, and Simpson Desert. Among them, I chose Simpson Desert as the topic because I was fascinated by its red color. Due to its color, it has a nickname, ‘The Big Red’. As I wrote in the first post, I’m dreaming of going on a trip to desert in Australia. I want to fight against the adversity and make unforgettable memories.

Traveling the desert is like a real struggle for existence, which means, a thorough preparation and background knowledge are required. Immense levels of heat can threaten you to be exhausted and your vehicle to be broken down. Surprisingly, also a rain can be a threat to you when you are at a desert. Once the rainy season begins, rain pours down, and can swallow up whole the camping sites and the cars, because there is no river to absorb the water. Moreover, the sand turns into a mud and your car can be stuck in it.

At all the great inconvenience, it is truly worth exploring the Simpson Desert, because it possesses marvels of nature.

One of those is the salt lake. It is hidden somewhere in-between the sand hills and reveals the surprising fact that the desert was once covered with sea water. In addition, the unique white salt shattered in the sand creates a mysterious atmosphere.

Other things that you will marvel at are the animals and plants sustaining their lives in a barren desert. Eucalyptus has thick bark that can resist damage from fire that it shows off its green color all year around. In addition to the plants, desert is also home to tree frogs, kangaroos, marsupial moles, zebra finches, and wrens. I was truly shocked that more than 150 species of animals and birds inhabit the Simpson Desert.

In addition to the special features of the Simpson Desert such as distinctive salt lakes, animals, and plants, the desert is beautiful just as it is. The endless stream of red dunes make up an elegant drape, and symmetric lines are regarded as wonders of nature. Actually, desert is nothing more than a continuous set of sand, but the shape of it is ever-changing and colorful.

There is an old saying that there are two kinds of people, one who spent a night in a desert, and the other who didn’t. I often imagine the night at the Simpson Desert. My tent would be set up firmly on the sand, and next to it, there will be a campfire. I will hold a small party with marsh mallows, and then, go up to the top of the car and lie down on it and look up to see the shining stars. The night sky will help me with organizing my thoughts and recharging myself to make progress toward my goal.


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  1. sreymochkun / Dec 10 2011 2:53 PM

    Hi Sungeun ^^
    After I read all what you describe about the desert in Australia. I also interested and do want to go to there,too. But As you said when the rainy season begins, rain pour down and can swallow up whole camping site and the cars also the sand turn into a mud and our car can be stuck in ti and so on. So if you can have a trip to desert in Australia, don’t you feel afraid with any troubles while you were visit there?
    From Sreymoch

    • sungeunlim / Dec 13 2011 7:15 AM

      Wow, I feel really great to know that you got interested in Australia by reading my post. Of course I am scared of traveling across desert, because it is certain that I will encounter thousands of difficulties. However, I think it is surely worth it, because I can learn a lot of things and grow into an adult through all the hardships.

      • sreymochkun / Dec 13 2011 11:48 AM

        Hi Sung Eun ^^
        I also agree with you for the point that you thougt we will be grow to be adult and get alot of experinces during visit there. But I still feel scare of it. Anyway , if oneday you will go to have a trip at there , I will you goodluck and enjoy with your trip^^
        From Sreymoch

  2. sreymochkun / Dec 11 2011 9:51 AM

    Hi Sung Eun ^^
    After I read all what you described about the desert in Australia. I also interested and want to visit there,too. But if you have a trip to desert in Australia do not you feel afraid with any troubles while you were there. As you said when the rainy season begins, rain pour down, and can swallow up while camping sites and the cars also the sand turn into mud and our car can be struck in it and so on. So what will you do if you stuck with this problem?
    From Sreymoch.

  3. imame azam / Jul 27 2014 12:53 PM

    i came for preparing for exam after reading these ,what a pleasure
    thanks dude


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